Make a donation

By mail

Send a check, money order or bank draft payable to Helem Montreal to:

Centre Communautaire LGBTQ+ de Montréal, 
2075 Plessis, 
Montreal, QC, H2L 2Y4

In person

During one of our activities, reach out to one of the members of the Board of Directors to hand over your donation.


Single or recurring donation, you can easily do it online by clicking below

Helem Montreal is still here thanks to your donations

Helem Montreal is a non-profit organization that mainly survives thanks to self-financing and your donations. These donations allow us to exist, to continue our fight and to defend our cause in Quebec and Canada.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These donations are note entitled to any tax credit (tax deduction)

Monthly and social activities

Expenses related to monthly meetings (discussions, conferences, etc.) and social outings (museum, bowling, parties, etc.)

Participation in local events

Participation in Montreal Pride and other events (festivals, concerts, etc.)

Awareness campaigns

Creation and sharing of awareness campaigns on the subjects defended by Helem Montreal

Visibility of the organization

Expenses related to promoting the organization to the general public (advertising, articles, marketing, etc.)

Basic administration

Website, bank fees, post office box, administrative fees ...